Sunday, April 29, 2007

Upcoming Prayer Days

Monday April 30th: Poages doing Sonogram for Avery
Thursday May 3rd: 9am we meet with vision assistance to see if Ella needs their therapy, 2pm we meet with the dietician again because Ella might be allergic to the toddler formula...and their are not a lot of milk-free options for tube babies.
Wednesday May 9th: Poage MRI for Avery
May 17th: 8:30am Ella's 1 year Appointment and 3pm Eye Check-up.
May 21st: Follow-Up Hearing Test

We are still doing PT every Tuesday at 9am, moved one of our OT appointments to Wednesday at noon. We are waiting to hear from Our Children's House at Baylor on when we will be scheduled there for OT (2X a week) and ST (speech, 2X a week) they are going to start giving Ella the VitalStim treatments on her throat to help her swallowing. Looks like we will be at therapy 4-5 days a week!!!

1 comment:

Collin and Stephanie Poage said...

Thank you for adding us to your prayer list... You are such a thoughtful friend and I love you very much.