It's 12:44 AM and I'm sitting in a recliner in a hospital room. Seem's I've written a lot of posts from hospital rooms in the past 6 years. Yes, you read that correctly, six year ago I was pregnant with Ella.

It's amazing how muchhas changed since that time. I had no idea what we would go through with the baby, or that I'd be sitting here, again, watching her hooked up to machines. As it gets closer to her birthday, I'm reminded of how faithful God has been to us over the years. It might not look like He was faithful, I mean…we have a severely handicapped child, but OH the ways he has been faithful is almost to numerous to count…maybe I'll do that in my next post.
For now, we sit in the hospital. I will say that it's kind of nice to have a change of scenery. We areat Cook Children's Hospital in Ft. Worth and I've loved the experience so far. The hospital and the staff have been wonderful. We have never spent much time in a 100% children's hospital…but it's pretty much amazing.
As I sit in my recliner (which I now realize is broken and can't lay back, ugh) I stare at my mother asleep on the guest bed and my daughter asleep in her hospital bed…and I'm thankful for 3 generations of women in one room (Sara, you and Mak are not forgotten, just not here). My mother has the strength and cool-headedness that I so needed this weekend. I mean, she's stayedat the hospital for 14 hours already with me, and is staying the night. She is so helpful, and even her presence is just helpful. I look at Ella, 5-years-old and as I think of my, now, dreams for her…it makes me wonder what my mother dreamt for my life. Probably not for me to have to sit in hospital rooms with my daughter, waiting for her to have seizures, but she sure raised me to be strong enough to handle it.
So, if you aren't on Facebook (or don't keep up through social media, or like to have things better explained) here are the details of what has gone on this week: (okay, there may not be manydetails, but there is some information)
We had decided to go ahead with
Dr. #2's testing suggestions. We arrived around 11:00 AM on Tuesday. The first person we ran into was our old speech therapist, Sara, whom we have loved and missed dearly since she came on staff at Cook, it was such a blessing to see a familiar face!! We got registered, got to our room, and went through a lot of history and information, then it was time to get down to business…the EEG. Mainly, it reads seizure activity in the brain, but if you want to Google it and research more, feel free.
They glue little wires all over her head so that, hopefully, they can see where the seizure activity is originating from…we are still not sure of the answer.