Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rolling Elephant

We attended the Fall Festival tonight at First Baptist and Ella decided to roll around the gym floor in her costume. This was the happiest she was all evening. Remind us next year to just stay home with the kids and pass out candy...these carnivals are for the older kids for sure.


Maggie said...

I totally agree!! Took Avery to one last night and she is just a tad too young for all of it! It was totally for Marc and me and the picture opps! Ella sure looked cute though!

Unknown said...

Nathan would have loved to join Ella rolling around on the floor. We figured it would be better for him to stay home - but next year we hope to go! She is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I agree! We were pretty much overwhelmed after just a little while. It was so crowded & there really wasn't anything for E to do. But, we loved seeing friends! BTW- I am sending you a pic of E and Ella.:)

mrchrishill said...

Great costume! Ella looks great except that remember Joe we aren't encouraging our kids to be elephants... only Tigers.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Ella is the cutest and happiest little elephant I have EVER seen!!! Happy Halloween!!!