We attended the Fall Festival tonight at First Baptist and Ella decided to roll around the gym floor in her costume. This was the happiest she was all evening. Remind us next year to just stay home with the kids and pass out candy...these carnivals are for the older kids for sure.
People always ask where Ella gets her curls from...so here are a picture of my brother (the blonde) and myself when we were kiddos and had some curl...granted, it's not as crazy in these pictures as Ella's usually is.
I know...it never takes me this long to really update the blog. I probably won't write long, too much to do. We moved into our new house exactly a week ago today...wow. We almost completely out of boxes and things are starting to find their place. If you would like our new address and didn't get the email please let me know!! mitchells1016@sbcglobal.net Oh, and then I didn't have internet for 5 days and no time at all to blog when I finally did. Ella and I did her overnight stay in Bridgeport, TX last night at a nursing home to finalize her Medicare qualifications...we are WIPED today. E didn't go to sleep till 11:30pm and woke up at 5am...NOT enough sleep. Still enjoying having my mother-in-law in town and helping us get our house into a home. William is moving like CRAZY and all of my appointments are going great. Ella continues to impress her therapists and we are working on really getting good at the crawling position...crawling is around the corner...we just know it! Oh, and we started Aqua Therapy...physical therapy in the pool...it's on Mondays and she's starting to kind of understand...or at least not mind so much. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm including pictures to make up for it. Oh, and we got her new stroller...can't remember if I already told you all that.