Sunday, August 19, 2007

What we've been doing...

Growing Tummy:

Ella pulled her toys off the shelf:

Katherine Kramer Baby Shower:

Taylor Rucks (soon-to-be-Wells) Bachelorette Party:


Maggie said...

You look fantastic little A!!! I tried to vote, but the buttons are gone so I am telling you I think it is a "girl" again!!!! I can't wait to find out! Love you!

Stevenson gang said...

You look adorable, sweetheart! I love prego tummies! I wish I still had that excuse to justify mine. :-) I'm also glad to see that Maggie isn't the only one taking all the toys off the shelf -- I sometimes feel like I'm bent over permanently at the waist picking things up off the floor!
Love, Kris