Thursday, August 30, 2007

15 Month Stats

So, we were a little late in getting the 15 month appt done, but here are her stats:

Weight: 25 lbs 14 oz (85th %)
Length: 31 3/8" (75th %)
Head: 17 11/16" (25th %)

So, needless to say I think we are going on a diet...even stricter than the one we are currently on. We'll be talking to the dietitian again tomorrow. It's not a HUGE deal, they just don't want her to struggle more to meet her developmental goals and have her weight "holding her back". Let's just say that she weighs the same as a 2 year-old should weight.

Other than that they said she was in great shape. She got 2 shots and didn't make a sound...a little worrisome...she reacted, just not by screaming.


Maggie said...

I don't care what they say...I love all 25 lbs of her!! And I love her Mommy too and can't wait to see my girls at lunch today!!

Anonymous said...

Bill Girls Don't Cry!!!

She's a tough cookie. She has to be to put up with what she has to put up with. Two shots - nothing to a little girl who has been thru hell and back.
