Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ramblings of a Momma

I realized tonight that it's been a while since I've posted my long ramblings (thank you Marian for reminding me). I think a lot of the reason I haven't written in a while is because I didn't want to write anything sad or hopeless. I always feel like everyone is worried about me after I write these, but the funny thing is that I feel SO much better after I just write it out. Growing up I would always write letters to people and never send them...I just needed to get out what I was thinking on paper and then it would be over. When I write on here it's like that. Part of it is a journal and part of it let's others know what is going on in our lives and in my heart.

I'm really overwhelmed...which isn't unusual. We are expecting our second child in Jan/Feb, selling our house, trying to find/purchase a new house, and of course keep progress up with Ella. These are in addition to the daily important duties as a wife and mother...duties that I love.

I think the biggest reason I haven't written is two things...I started to lose a lot of my hope and my focus. I realized tonight that my focus has been off and that has killed a lot of my hope and joy. I have stopped my consistent communication with Christ and in doing so I have turned my eyes off the goal. What is the goal you might ask...that God be glorified through our decisions and actions...and just through our lives. A lot of the time I forget that He is the one who is supposed to be glorified...not me, not Ella, not Joe and not the therapists...but the Lord. I want Ella to wake up tomorrow and be sitting up in her bed, looking straight at me and lift her arms and say "momma". Do I believe that God CAN do it...YES. However, I think I lost my faith that he would. Joe's faith is stronger than mine and I love him for that.

HOPE. It amazes me sometimes that this is Ella's middle name. It was her name LONG before she got sick and long before we needed big hope. It is her grandmother's middle name and we always loved it. I think it's interesting when people hear that is her middle name they assume it's because she almost died after birth. God does take care of the little things. That child will always be attached to the word hope even if she and everyone around her loses it's meaning. Tonight I heard the phrase "through adversity comes hope". How perfect is that. Just through the adversity of life we received our hope, wrapped a child...stricken with an illness no one can understand and yet she brings joy and hope to all who know her, or hear of her.

I love my life. If you had asked me 4 years ago this week I think I would have said something different. I was having a great time with great friends and I thought life was grand...but if you had told me where I would be today I'm not sure I would have believed you. God gave me a husband who is more amazing than my wildest dreams, He has given me a child who has taught me more than all the adults in my life combined, and He has redirected me to focus on Him even in the midst of life's challenges. I look at myself in the mirror and and I don't recognize myself. I've changed. I've grown up even without realizing it. God challenged me to be Joe's wife and Ella's mother and I want so badly to live up to that challenge. There is NO way I could do it alone. Anyone with a "special needs" child knows that you need help...well, I need help from my Heavenly Father. I need to know that there is a greater reason for Ella's struggles than just because something went "wrong"...I know with all of my heart that God chose Ella...and in turn He chose Joe and me. He chose us to be a light for Him. To not only share Ella's story of adversity, but also her story of hope.

People ask how Ella is doing. If you ask me each day my answer would be different. Some days, like these last couple, I see HUGE progress. Yesterday she was holding her head up in her chair and today we started taking steps (mind you she was COMPLETELY supported). Then some days, like this past weekend...I see Ella next to children younger than her and my heart aches because she is so behind. I want her to see the world through the eyes of a healthy and curious child, but she sees the world through her own eyes. I'm blessed that Ella is SUCH a happy baby. This last weekend she has had an allergic reaction to something (we aren't sure what) and it's been interesting to see other's reactions to Ella being in a foul mood...it throws people off. That's when I realize how blessed we are to have a happy baby. She loves life. She loves to play. She loves specific toys and will gravitate towards them. She LOVES playing with her daddy. She loves kisses from Mimi, Grandpas beard, Grandma's laughter and Granddad's songs. She loves it when Micah plays with her or when Sara just holds her and talks to her. She loves playing with faces and she loves pulling at glasses and hair...and sticking chubby fingers up your nose. She gets tickled when she is startled or when she's happy. She can entertain herself for hours. She never cries when she ends up rolling off the carpet, but hates being left alone in a room. She doesn't like it when you read books, but if you sing to her she is mesmerized (unfortunately she received two tone-deaf parents....don't tell Joe). She could listen to the song Itsy-Bity Spider 100x and at the end she will say "again"...I think that's the only word she knows, but she knows what she wants.

So life is good. It feels crazy, but it's good. I'm going to start approving my schedule and calendar through prayer...I've been trying to run it for so long, I think it's time to give it over to God. So if I say I can't meet up, it's because I really can't meet up. If I don't return a phone call or email...it's because I'm busy and trying to keep my focus. I love my friends. I love having a busy schedule...but I have to start thinking about my relationship with my Lord over everything else. He wants to be the ruler of my life and I think I'm ready to give Him even more of my life than I have so far.

If you would, pray for me. Pray for focus and discipline. Pray for sleep and endurance. Pray for Ella, that she be healed...and that her life brings others closer to our Savior and Lord. Pray for our houses...both the one we are selling and the one we are meant to buy. Pray that I would submit first to God and then to my husband in the decisions of our house. Pray for the baby that we will see and hear on Friday, that everything be wonderfully healthy and that this child's heart will be shaped even now to accept the free gift of salvation.

Pray for our family as life comes at us, that we will all stay focused on the goal.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" II Timothy 4:7


Maggie said...

I pray for you and your family everyday and will continue to pray for your strength! I love you!!

Michael, Sara & Micah said...

I have tears pouring down my face as I read this. Not because I am sad but becasue I am proud and so happy. I am thrilled Ella has made so much progress and so proud of all three of you. I sit and watch her and Micah play and can't believe two cousins can love eachother so much in just a short year. The speak this language of love that only those two can understand. She is an angel is so many ways and gives us all hope. I know that is God can give you guys this strength and Ella the ability to progress, I gain hope he will bring Mike home safe from Iraq and so much more. We laugh together, we cry together, but mostly we pray together. You are all of the mom and wife Joe, Ella, and Peanut could ask for. You ar a gift to them but also to us. Your my big sister and I lok up to you and admire you just like I have for 26 years. I have never been more proud of you A and I love you more everyday. We are proud of you guys and love you so vary much. XOXOX

Anonymous said...

I am proud of the fact that you have realized that to not be in communication with God, you cannot "hear" what He is trying to tell you. There are times I am with Ella and see little or no improvement, and I can understand how frustrated and discouraged you get. There are other times that I see so much improvement I cannot understand how you can't center on that and be elated. Then I get frustrated with you. Joe and I have always shared the belief that 'in His time' Ella will be healed. I think we overlook the fact that there was no 'hope' of her improving when you guys left the hospital. They prepared you for a child that could grow physically, but not mature physically, mentally, or emotionally. Look at our angel. She has improved, and she is full of love and happiness. I think the hospital staff would be amazed at the little girl she has become. You have always been an impatient person, but I don't God is one that you want to be impatient with. Had he answered some of your prayers...you would not have been available, or even met Joe. I believe that Joe is perfect for you. He is so very much in love with you, and it shows. My prayer for you, daily, is that you see the good things God does in your life and be lifted up by that, and ask for His guidance and mercy over the things that cause you grief...then leave your problems with Him. Letting go is hard. It was hard as a Mother, but I was able to do it by trusting Him to take care of you. He loves you so much. Ella is a wonderful baby girl and I am amazed that God chose our family for this test. Pull a scripture that gives you peace and comfort. Every time you begin to get discouraged, recite the verse over and over until you 'feel' His arms and comfort come over you. Center your thoughts on Him, and you will put up the hedge against Satan, who is the one that gets in your head and gives you doubts and fears.
I love you dearly. I love Joe. And you know that we love sweet Ella. I will step up my prayers for you and yours.

Jodie Keeter said...

You're truly amazing, Andrea. And it is no coincidence that in my devotional reading this a.m. (and the day I chose to visit your blog), it was in the book of Ephesians and about keeping our armour on at all times, because the moment we take it off, is the moment the devil will be there to hit us with full force. I know that it is SO EASY for me to take off all that God has equipt me with and run with life faster and my way because lets face it: it's EASIER. But when I do, when I take my eyes off of Him, when I lessen my time with Him, lessen my study of/with Him, things change. They go from bad to worse. And I don't mean my life is bad. I just mean, they cannot BE good without Him, period. Greg Laurie said, "Satan has his favorite targets when he attacks us spiritually." With you, we all know you are the social woman of the year!!! Just like all of our passions, Satan knows exactly where to strike us. He sees that filled calendar of yours and CHEERS because that just limits the time you have to focus on God, build your relationship, and hear Him speak to you. You have all that God has given you, you know how to use it. Recognizing it (as you have per this blog entry) is HUGE. Putting on all of the armor that God has equipt you with is your next step. You are such a child of God and I am so HONORED to have you as a dear friend. We will ALL look forward to spending time with you when we are put on that calendar, but know dear friend. When you tell ME that you cannot make it, I will SMILE and give praise to GOD for the strength He has given you to say those difficult words: "Sorry, but I cannot." I love you Andrea! ~Jods

Debbie said...

This may be off-point, but I read this and thought of you:

"The devil will try to upset you by accusing you of being unworthy of the blessings that you have received. Simply remain cheerful and do your best to ignore the devil's nagging. If need be even laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Satan, the epitome of sin, accuses you of unworthiness! When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!"
St. Teresa of Avila

You're doing good things Andrea. Keep the faith burning! I can't wait to see your little gingerbread angel. (That's what we called Thomas' first sonopicture!)


Andrea "The H family" said...

Hi, is it possible that we were long lost sisters? Possibly?
I heard this just the other day "Ladies, we have to fight for our relationship with Christ".
Amen. Special needs child or not...it's just hard.
I have to say, Ella is looking so good. Luke's name means 'bringer of light'. I believe your Ella and our Luke are little lights of joy for sure!
Press on sister. HOPE in FAITH.
Much love, A

Beck said...

Happy Birthday today, girl. As I write this I'm looking at a photo of us at Billy Bob's in 2003. Little did we know then, huh? I was already praying for the Mitchells this morning, specifically Ella. Please know that posts like this don't only encourage you to keep the faith, they encourage me. So keep pouring it all out.

Next to the photo of us on my desk is the verse, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

So remain in Him. And if you don't answer your phone or come out with the gang, I will be happy knowing you are just there getting your focus and remaining in Him.

I am really, really impressed with, proud of, and inspired by you. You hang in there.

love, beck.