I don't think I ever said how the kidney tests went last Friday. She passed them both. They didn't see any signs of kidney problems or a reason for the UTI she had...so hopefully it's the last one she'll get. She weighed 15 lbs 8 oz at the appointment.
I finally had my mammogram today. They moved my appointment with the breast specialist back to NEXT Thursday bc they won't have my mammogram results before then. I don't think that breast cancer is an issue at this point, but I would like to know what the knots/lumps are...so that is what I'm hoping to find out. They don't hurt and I wouldn't have known about them if my doctor hadn't found them...so I don't think about it much.
We are still working on head control for Ella. She still can't hold it up on her own...which is delaying any further development as well as being able to start her on foods. I also talked to the physical therapist yesterday on what to expect if she doesn't gain head control. We talked about special strollers and positioning devices so that she's not injured in daily walks...as she grows out of her car seat. We will look into this closer to 7-8 months old, if she isn't any further in head control. This is emotionally difficult for me as I want her to be as "normal" as possible and it's also scary on what our 2007 will end up costing in medical bills...2006 has already been shocking. I can honestly thank God that we have medical insurance.
I am struggling with understanding and accepting God's goodness. As I am in a mother's bible study right now we are learning of the lies that we tell ourselves. I think I have been telling myself that Ella has to be perfect in the worlds eyes, without realizing that she's already perfect in God's eyes. Even as a 5 month old she is teaching Joe and I more than we could have imagined. She has taught us patience, hopefulness, selflessness, and the true grace of God. I have seen His face shine on us more in this struggle than in all the good times combined. Please pray that we will have God's will in mind when we pray for Ella. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what we want, instead of what He has planned for her. In fact, God has more planned for her than we as parents could ever have laid out...and we need to be faithful to that plan. Thank you for your support and for loving us. If you ever want to be truly humbled where you are just read the bloc
www.mattandginny.blogspot.com and then go to
www.clairecox.blogspot.com I promise that your daily problems and concerns will be put in perspective...I know mine are.