Sorry it's taken me a while to update. We've been catching up on sleep.
Last night we attended a good dinner with some friends (pictures in another post). When we went to pick up Ella from my mother and sister they told us that she had continued to struggle with gagging over the course of the evening.
Back story...since Ella's button surgery she has had problems not
gagging and throwing up with feeds. We have tried laying her down, sitting her up, just reclining her, going fast, going slow, going somewhere in between...she isn't
consistent with what makes her gag/vomit and what doesn't. We decided to call the after-hours nurse and she said to head to the ER. We thought she said to head to Children's Medical Center (seems she said Medical City Children's Hospital...
grrr) so we sat in an ER waiting room from 10:30pm till around 5am to even get into an ER room. Joe and Ella caught some sleep, but I found a book and decided to read the whole evening. It was amazing how many families were in the ER. Some had children with broken something...and some just had kids that didn't feel well. Once they sorted the
trauma from the "not going to see a doctor for 12 hours" people it was pretty much wait for a room to open up. So we waited, and waited, and waited. We thought about leaving a few times, but when it started out being a 4 hour wait it didn't make looking back we should have just headed to Medical City. The biggest concerns were that Ella could have an obstruction or we weren't exactly critical.
When we finally saw a doctor, about 7:30am, they decided to run some blood work, urine sample, and chest/ab x-ray. Everything having to do with the feeding came back perfectly normal...but she did have a Urinary Tract Infection. So, we are on antibiotics. We decided to discharge after they couldn't do anything to figure out her gagging...we have decided to just do clear liquids till tomorrow and then catch up with her GI doctor for a follow-up and follow-through. I will give you updates as we know them.
Thank you for your prayers and support. The phone calls, blog comments and emails were wonderful to come home's amazing how much of our "support team" read the blog while we were in the hospital! We love you guys and will keep you as informed as we are!